Our Church

Please see our web site banners for details of “Parish Masses which are all fully open for ‘in person’ attendance. Kindly note, that you will need to register your vehicle when visiting the Church, parish centre, parish room, clergy house and Church grounds. Please use the registration pad in the porch of the Church to avoid a ticket. Thank you.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Ave Maria !

We wish all visitors, to this website and to the parish church, every peace and joy. We are a lively, richly diverse and very welcoming parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark. We extend pastoral care to those living in and around the Croydon area, including Croydon University Hospital, St Mary’s Infant and Junior Schools, and St Mary’s Catholic High School. Please come and join one of our celebrations or attend for some quiet time in the midst of this busy world.” 

Our Archbishop for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark was installed on 25th July 2019 Click on “homily” for the full written text and a link for the recorded Solemn Installation Mass.